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Resources for the Ham

Below I have a variety of links and actual resources that a ham might be interested in or need....

ARRL is the American Radio Relay League, of which I am a proud member.  They are the American organization that looks out for our rights as Amateur radio operators, and offer a plethora of services to Hams.  Their website is the best location available to find out about anything ham related and extensive.  They help you with getting licensed, and you can look up what callsigns people have, or the name the goes with a particular callsign, among  many other services they offer.  You could take days just looking  through their website!

I encourage all new hams to join!


Gordon West - The World's Most Well-Known Living Ham's Training Website: is another really good internet show for Hams.  This show has a more technical emphasis, but they have a facebook page where you can ask them questions really easily.

Ham Nation is a great show offered online that helps new hams and gives the latest news to all hams! is a very helpful site.  You can look up callsigns from all over the World, amongst many other things.

These same guys started a great new Program, "Ham College".

The night of the last Blood Moon Eclipse this close to the Earth for 18 years 9-27-15.

   George and I on our HT's trying to find the best place to view the phenomenom.

       Ended upthe best place was near our house, above Saint Dominics Cemetry!


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