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SF Bay Area Local Nets

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This is local Nets. This has been copied and pasted from several different sources, but mainly MDARC’s Net site. I don’t know if they are current, and some great Nets may have been left out! Let me know by text or email if you find one that is no longer on, or if I have left one out. (AA6MW)

This is a great time to try a Net!

BARC Social Distancing Net. Every day It is on our Primary Repeater - 442.750 MHz (PL 100 HZ)+, at 10:30 am.

And again at night at 7:30 pm.

Except Monday nights:

BARC has a weekly Net at 7:30 PM local time every Monday evening generally on the Primary repeater (442.750, PL:100). The net shifts to the Secondary repeater (441.250, PL:100) on the last Monday of the month.

JB, NR5NN, BARC member runs;

Very Informal and Loosely Facilitated Conversational nets, all welcome!

Monday Get On The Air (GOTA) Net,

2000 PST 40 meter 7,283 LSB

Monday Night GOTA "Band Tour" (a different band each Monday)

01/04 1900 PST 160 Meter 1,847 LSB

01/11 1900 PST 75 Meter 3,805 LSB

01/18 1900 PST 60 Meter Ch#1 5,330.50 USB frequency (5,332 Center Frequency)

01/25 1900 PST 30 Meter 10,125 CW and 1900 PST 30 Meter 10,136 FT8

02/01 1900 PST 20 Meter 14,234 USB

02/08 1900 PST 17 Meter 18,160 USB

02/15 1900 PST 15 Meter 21,230 USB

02/22 1900 PST 12 Meter 24,960 USB

03/01 1900 PST 10 Meter 28,420 USB

03/08 1900 PST 6 Meter 52.525 FM Simplex

(CW check-ins always welcome after phone net)


VALLEJO, CALIFORNIA VHF 145.310 MHZ (MINUS OFFSET/PL 88.5) and UHF 442.425 (positive offset/PL88.5) - K6LI

Thursday Night Shelter In Place Emergency Net happens every Thursday night at 1900 (7 PM) on the UHF 442.425 repeater. This is a general check in of all stations to pass traffic and sometimes enjoy and trivia question.

Early Bird Net meets Monday thru Friday at 6:15 AM on the 145.310 VHF repeater. This is an early morning net talking about current things of interest. Bob KK6FZU (BARC Member)or Gary KE6QR alternate as net controls.

CW / Digital / Trivia net meets Mondays and Thursdays from 11 AM to 1 PM on the 442.425 UHF net. Dave WA6PEP is net control and regular participant’s include Bryan K6KLB, Vincent KK6YRA and sometimes Harold KJ6ZOF. CW code practice.

Martinez Amateur Radio Club Nets:

Thursday nights:

Simplex net at 18:45 (6:45pm) at 146.505 Simplex.

Repeater Net at 19:10 (7:10pm) on KF6HTE at 444.4500 MHz, positive offset with a 107.2Hz CTCSS tone.

“Our Club’s repeater is open and ready for large scale testing! Visitors welcome.”

LDS Sunday night Net at 6:30 pm on KF6HTE at 444.4500 MHz, positive offset with a 107.2Hz CTCSS tone.

MDARC Affiliated Voice Nets:

Daily, Mondays thru Fridays:

05:42AM: 5:42 Morning Muster

2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL) Net Control is Trevor Hall, WA6JAU.

06:10AM: 6:10 Net

2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL) Net Control is Harry Styron, K6HS.


6:00PM: LDS Collaborative Net

2 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL)

6:30PM: Danville Emergency Communications Net

2 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL)


8:00PM: SATERN Net

2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL)


7:00PM: SkyWarn Net

2 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL)


7:30 PM: MDARC Club Net

2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL)

ATV Nets


9:00 AM: Bathrobe ATV Net


6:00 PM: Technical Round Table Net

Questions asked & answered on all things ham-related.


8:00 PM: General ATV Net

All ATV nets are on the following frequencies:

Voice: 2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL)

ATV Input: 1292.50 MHZ Digital

1270 MHz FM

ATV Output: 1244.5 MHz Digital

And listed by MDARC more Nets! All listed are Voice Nets, unless otherwise stated. All times are Pacific Time.


12:00 PM: Noon Time Net

40 meters: 7.2685 MHz LSB & 80 meters: 3970 KHz LSB

6:00PM: California Traffic Net

80 meters: 3.906 MHz, LSB;



6:45PM: Alamo Emergency Communications Net

147.570 MHz Simplex

7:30PM: Western Public Service System Net

80 meters: 3.952 MHz, LSB


7:30PM: Northern Calif. Net VHF Session

WA6HAM, 145.410 MHz, - Split, PL = 107.2 Hz

Monday thru Friday:

7:10AM: Over the Hill Gang Breakfast/Commute Net

WA6KQB, 145.110 MHz, - Split, PL = 82.5 Hz

8:00 AM: RV Radio Network

40 Meters: 7.2685 MHz LSB

8:30AM: California Rescue Net (Gordon West Net)

40 meters: 7250 KHz LSB (see


9:00AM: 9 a.m. Talk Net

N6NFI, 145.230 MHz, - Split, PL = 100 Hz

Monday thru Thursday:

10:00AM: Ladies of the Net

40 meters: 7245 KHz LSB (Search for "KM6CIR" or contact

Thursday nights

7:00 pm Ladies of the Net affiliated

80 meters: 3880 KHz USB


9:00AM: Hornet Amateur Radio Club (HARC) HF Net

40 meters: 7.215 MHz LSB


1:00PM: California American Legion Amateur Radio Service (CALARS) HF Net

40 Meters: 7.278 MHz LSB (see


1:30PM: California American Legion Amateur Radio Service (CALARS) Echolink Net

Echolink Conference Server *FMCA-ARC* (see


6:00PM: American Red Cross Communicators Net

WW6BAY, 443.975 MHz, + Split, PL = 100

6:35PM: Disaster Communicators Forum

WW6BAY, 443.975 MHz, + Split, PL = 100

9:00PM: Antioch LDS Net

146.415 MHz Simplex

9:00PM: Saratoga Amateur Radio Association Net

K6SA/R: 146.655 MHz, - Split, PL = 114.8 Hz (see



11:00AM: Reno QRP Group

40 Meters: 7.045 MHz LSB (Email:

6:30PM: Reno QRP Group

40 Meters: 7.045 MHz LSB (Email:

7:00PM: American Red Cross of the Bay Area (ARCBA)

147.420 MHz Simplex

7:00PM: Hornet Amateur Radio Club (HARC)

WB6NDJ; 146.880 MHz, - split, PL = 77 Hz (see


7:00PM: Livermore Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) Net

AD6KV; 147.120, + Split, PL = 100 (see


7:30PM: East Bay Amateur Radio Club (EBARC)“Explore Net” (HF)

10 meters: 28.425 MHz, USB

7:30PM: Hayward Amateur Radio Club / ARES Net

K6EAJ: 145.130 MHz, + Split, PL = 127.3 Hz (see


7:30PM: SBARA Chat

WA6PWW: 147.015 MHz, + Split, PL = 103.5 Hz (see


7:35PM: Contra Costa Repeater Association (CCRA) Net

WA6HAM: 145.490 MHz, 147.735 MHz, 145.410 MHz (Linked); - Split, PL = 107.2 Hz



8:00PM: California Emergency Services Net (CESN)

80 meters: 3992, 3960, or 1987 KHz LSB (see


9:00PM: Cathay Amateur Radio Club

W6BUR: 146.670 MHz, + Split, PL = 85.4 Hz (see


9:00PM: Santa Clara Valley Repeater Society

WB6OQS: 146.76 MHz, - Split, PL = 151.4 Hz (see



7:00PM: SBARA Youth Net

N6NFI, 145.230 MHz, - Split, PL = 100 Hz

(Parents with amateur licenses are encouraged to act as a control operator for interested kids.

Echolink node W6REK-R (828105) is available for those out of range of the repeater. See for more info.)

7:30PM: Fat City CW Net

10 Meters: 28.420, USB Voice, then CW.

7:30PM: Kid's Net

WA6TEM: 147.855 MHz; - Split, PL = 100Hz

7:30PM: QRM Net

WA6KQB: 224.300 MHz, - Split, PL = 82.5 Hz

7:30PM: South Bay Amateur Radio Club /Tri-City ARES Net

WA6PWW: 147.015 MHz, + Split, PL = none (see


8:20PM: 10 Meter Digital Net

10 meters: 2820 KHz, LSB

(follows Contra Costa Digital Practice Net, as needed. See Nets on MDARC Systems page.)

8:40PM: 80 Meter Digital Net

80 meters: 3593 KHz, LSB

(follows Contra Costa Digital Practice Net, as needed. See Nets on MDARC Systems page.)


8:30AM: Rossmoor Ham Net

146.430 MHz Simplex; No PL

10:00AM: California Emergency Services Net (CESN)

40 Meters: 7230 KHz LSB (see


6:45PM: Contra Costa Red Cross Net

WA6HAM; 145.490 MHz, 147.735 MHz, 145.410 MHz; - Split, PL = 107.2

6:45PM: West Contra Costa County- ARES/RACES Net

WD6EZC; 145.110 MHz, - Split, PL = 82.5

6:50PM: Walnut Creek CERT Net

KK6BSN; 443.825 MHz, + Split, PL = 167.9 (uplink & downlink)



7:00PM: Hayward Amateur Radio Club

K6EAG; 145.130 MHz, - Split, PL = 127.3 (see

7:30PM: Rossmoor Net

147.540 MHz Simplex, PL = 100 Hz

7:30PM: LARK Windfarms / 10-10 Net

10 meters: 28.485± MHz; LSB

7:30PM: Lamorinda Area Radio Interest Group (LARIG)

WA6HAM; 145.490 MHz; - Split, PL = 107.2; then move to:

K6ORI; 442.975, 440.550, 440.975 (Linked); + Split, PL = 123 Hz for all; end net on:

Lafayette-146.565 (simplex), Moraga-147.585 (simplex), Orinda-147.540 (simplex)

8:00PM: American Red Cross of the Bay Area (ARCBA)

WW6BAY, 443.975 MHz, + Split, PL = 100 Hz

8:00PM: Concord Amateur (Auxiliary) Radio Emergency Service (CARES)

147.405 MHz Simplex, PL = 127.3 Hz

8:00PM: SABRA Wednesday Night Roundtable

10 meters: 28.412.00 MHz USB (see

8:00PM: Military Radio Collectors Net

75 Meters: 3.9960 MHz USB (see


9:00AM: Rossmoor ARES net

146.430 MHz Simplex

6:35PM: Contra Costa HF Emergency Communications Net

80 meters: 3893 KHz +/- 5 KHz LSB (see

6:40PM: Walnut Creek CERT

146.460 MHz Simplex (see

6:45PM: West Contra Costa County EMCOMM Net

WA6KQB; 145.110 MHz, - Split, PL= 82.5 Hz (see

7:00PM: Amateur Radio Club of Alameda / ARES Net

K6QLF; 444.600 MHz, - Split, PL = 88.5 Hz (see

7:00PM: Delta Amateur Radio Club Net

146.535 MHz Simplex (see

7:00PM: South Contra Costa County EMCOMM Net

K6SRM; 146.355 MHz, + Split, PL = 100 Hz

7:00PM: Central Contra Costa County EMCOMM Net

145.680 MHz Simplex (see


146.415 MHz Simplex

7:00PM: Northern California DMR Net

NorCal Talk Group 3107700


7:15PM: Northern Alameda County (NALCO) ARES/RACES

N6BRK; 440.900 MHz, + Split, PL = 131.8 Hz

7:20PM: Contra Costa County-Wide EMCOMM Net

WA6HAM; 145.490 MHz, 147.735 MHz, 145.410 MHz (Linked); - Split, PL = 107.2


7:30PM: Contra Costa Communications Club Net

WA6KQB; 145.110 MHz, - Split, PL= 82.5 Hz (see

7:30PM: Livermore Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) Tech Net

AD6KV; 147.120, + Split, PL = 100 (see

7:30PM: Oakland ARES Emergency Communications Net

WB6NDJ; 146.880 MHz; - Split, PL = 77 Hz

7:30PM: San Francisco ACS Net

WA6GG: 442.050 MHz, + Split, PL = 127.3 Hz

7:30PM: Millbrae Amateur Radio Club (MARC)

146.490 simplex, no PL (except the first Thursday, when meetings are held)

8:00PM: Contra Costa Communications Club Tech Net

WA6KQB; 145.110 MHz, - Split, PL= 82.5 Hz (see

8:00PM: Foothills Amateur Radio Society Net

N6HFI: 145.230 MHz; - Split, PL = 100Hz Hz (see

8:00PM: Sidewinders on Two (SWOT)

144.250 MHz Simplex (see


8:30AM: Livermore Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) HF Net

40 Meters: 7.2630± MHz, LSB (see

8:00PM: California/Nevada DMR Roundtable

California DMR talk group, no. 3107

9:00PM: Mad Scientists Amateur Radio Club Net

N6MPX; 147.330 MHz, - Split, PL = 100 Hz (see


9:00AM: CS245 Net

WA6HAM; 145.490 MHz, 147.735 MHz, 145.410 MHz (Linked); - Split, PL = 107.2


9:00AM: Worldwide DMR BrandMeister Net

BrandMeister Talk Group 91, Time Slot 1

9:00AM: Military Radio Collectors Net

75 Meters: 3.9850 MHz AM (see


First Thursday, 8:00PM: RACES HF

80 meters: 3.890 MHz, LSB (see

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