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about me!

I am involved in Benicia Amateur Radio Club, BARC, in which I am a board member. I am a VE. I am also a member of the USS Hornet Amateur Radio Club and MDARC, and Solano ACS.  I love going to Pacificon and other Hamfests and Flea Markets! I love learning new things about Amateur radio! My husband George, KK6AHL, is also a ham. I do Nets; both checking in and being Net Control. I enjoy watching and keeping a list of movies, TV series etc. that contain Ham radio and references to Ham radio (or military radio etc) in them.

Ham Interests:

Building Basic Equipment/Kits/Accessories, Club Meetings, Conventions, Hamfests, Flea Markets Or Swap Meets, Direction Finding (Foxhunting), Emergency Communications -CERT/ACS, Family Communications, Field Day, Giving License Exams, Making New Friends, Mobile Or Portable Operating, Nets, Public Service Or Community Safety, Ragchewing/Casual Operating, Repeater Operation, Talking With Friends!

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